Suicide Squad – Things I Liked, Things I Felt Were Lacking, and Things That Could Have Been Done Better

Suicide Squad group

Fans were hearing about the live action Suicide Squad movie for over a year before its release.  At times the amount of press, sneak peaks, images, and news surrounding the film were even a bit too much, seemingly giving away borderline spoilers.  What ever happened to the element of surprise when a new movie comes out?

Well, I’ve finally seen the movie.  And here are my thoughts…



Things I liked:

  1. suicide squad harley quinnMargot Robbie as Harley Quinn. I did not have high hopes for this character after seeing the trailers and I initially hated the wardrobe choice.  It bothered me that they chose to dress her like a teenager who shops at Hot Topic when so many cosplayers do a fantastic job with so many different Harley Quinn looks.  But I was pleasantly surprised to have warmed up to her while watching the movie.  I thought the writing stayed true to the character and that Margot Robbie did a great job portraying her.  I love that she was silly and typical Harley Quinn when she wanted but was also serious and expressed emotions when she needed to.  And after watching her in action, the Hot Topic outfit did start to grow on me.


  1. Will Smith as Deadshot. Even when you think Will Smith might play the part as typical Will Smith, he surprises you and actually displays a convincing Deadshot!


  1. Viola Davis as Amanda Waller. There is no doubt that Viola Davis is a phenomenal actress.  But what also made her performance so great was the way her character was written so true to Amanda Waller from the comics and animation.  Her “don’t f*** with me” attitude mixed with her ruthless, tough demeanor and the way she did not even hesitate before shooting everyone in the room was so freakin’ awesome and I enjoyed watching her throughout.


Things I feel were lacking:

  1. Action Movie Action. Why shouldn’t a movie about comic book super villains be considered an action movie?  Well, there was plenty of opportunity in this film but suicide squad scenethe results were not that exciting.  The scene where the squad first battles the faceless creatures was good… not great, but good.  Other than that, I was not very excited by the choreography or the way the final battle—the climax of the whole movie, by the way—played out.  Some of the fight scenes were a little too dark and the camera was too close to see what was going on.  I just didn’t see any action that really stood out to be as being awesome so I was a little disappointed with that.


  1. Jared Leto as the Joker. His performance wasn’t terrible, but I did not think it was great either.  And honestly, most of my disdain for the Joker in this movie was not Jared Leto’s fault but more the direction they went with the character.  He’s definitely more of a kingpin type character in this movie.  That’s fine, but personally I don’t think I like this pimp Joker who wears bling and cares about money.  I do, however, agree with the amount of screen time he got.  It was great that they introduced him and then used him sparingly.  If he had been in it any more, it would have been too much for this particular story.


  1. Forced Characters. As exciting as it was to see Killer Croc and Katana, they definitely did not do much.  Yes, Killer Croc had his moment when he guided those suicide squad katanamen into the sewer to plant the bomb, but I still would have liked to see more of him.  Unfortunately, Katana was even more useless in this story than he was.  It was cool to see her talking to her husband’s soul in her sword and she did look pretty awesome, but she contributed nothing to the story.  It would have been cool if they had saved her for a different movie and made her more significant.  But hey, that doesn’t mean they won’t utilize her more later, right? #suicidesquadsequel


Things I think could have been done better:

  1. The Mission. Task Force X is put together for covert operations, espionage, and missions that government officials want to keep classified.  That way if they get caught, the bad guys are thrown under the bus and it won’t get traced back to the officials.  They’re basically supposed to do Amanda Waller’s dirty work for her.  In this movie, however, they’re used as more of a Justice League type group sent to save the day from a powerful meta-human who intends to destroy the world.  Does that sound like a covert op to you?  I understand that the reason they were sent on this mission is because Amanda Waller’s original plan with the Enchantress went awry and they were the only ones who could stop her.  I get that.  But I think it would have been a way cooler movie to see them breaking and entering, manipulating guards, and stealing something very heavily protected.  You know, bad guy things.  It would have showcased each of their skills more and honestly, I think it would have made a lot more sense.


  1. Exposition. I do like that we got to see clips of each person’s past but I don’t really like that it was done through Amanda Waller’s exposition.  I would have liked to see suicide squad june moonethe story unfold and then as each character enters the story, we get to learn about them with scenes from their origin.  Or what if the movie had started with either June Moone going into that cave and being overtaken by the Enchantress or with Batman catching Deadshot and him getting thrown into Belle Reve Penitentiary?  Then we fast forward to present day and see that June Moone has been acquired by Amanda Waller and that Floyd Lawton has been locked up for a while now and that’s how the story begins.  I’m not trying to do David Ayer’s job or anything, but I think either one of these options would have made awesome first scenes and would have eliminated the need for so much exposition.  Just sayin’.


Overall, I thought Suicide Squad was fine.  Unfortunately, I did not love it.  But I also didn’t think it was terrible… definitely not as terrible as the negative reviews are making it out to be.  As a DC fan, I’m looking forward to seeing more and hoping that all the things that seem forced and passed over too quickly will be fixed as the universe comes together more.

Honestly, I think my main gripe with this movie is that I wanted it to be every bit as awesome as the animated Batman: Assault on Arkham.  Everything about that movie is wonderful and I will definitely watch that one if I ever need a Suicide Squad fix.  If you haven’t seen it yet, WATCH IT!  Here, I’ll leave you with this trailer…


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Thoughts about Batman: The Killing Joke from a Batgirl Fan

batman-the-killing-joke camera

I’m a Batgirl fan.  So you can imagine that when word broke that the animated adaptation of The Killing Joke would include a Batgirl-centric prologue, I was over the moon excited.  In fact, I thought the idea was brilliant for two main reasons:

First of all, the most iconic scene in the story is when the Joker shoots Barbara.  After reading the graphic novel, that’s the scene that stuck with me the most.  Yes, one could argue that it’s essentially a Joker origin story, but to me, the shooting is the most impactful scene because it proves just how sick and twisted the Joker truly is.  That being said, I immediately felt that adding Batgirl into the story would emphasize that moment even more.

Secondly, I thought giving Batgirl more screen time was a great idea because she doesn’t have a big fan base.  She’s definitely no Harley Quinn or Catwoman.  In fact, she’s probably pretty low on the totem pole when it comes to female Batman characters.  So I saw this prologue as an opportunity to show people how awesome and badass she can be.

Okay so with that in mind, I wanted to LOVE this movie… but I didn’t.  I liked it, mostly because the execution of The Killing Joke story was awesome, but I didn’t love it.  And here’s why…

The Batgirl prologue is getting a lot of criticism for being unnecessary and for feeling disconnected to the actual Killing Joke story.  I still feel that the idea of the Batgirl prologue is great, but I didn’t particularly like how it was executed.  Again, I was expecting it to show how awesome Batgirl is and for everyone to love her after watching it.  But instead, I was actually a little annoyed by her.  She was more whiny, emotional, and immature than she was strong, intriguing, and badass.  I understand that she is a woman and that how she acted was not unlike how a woman could act in real life; but this is fiction.  I’m not saying that her character needed to be completely unrealistic, but it would have been nice to see her as someone other women could look up to and strive to be.  If I’m going to admire a superhero, I’m not going to care if I can relate to her feelings or not.  I want to see her kicking some ass and being triumphant!

That’s the other thing… the prologue was a story about how she decided to step down as Batgirl just days before she gets shot by the Joker, ultimately paralyzing her.  Wouldn’t the story have been far more tragic if she had triumphed as Batgirl days before the incident instead?  It would have been the heartbreaking story of her finding success right before having it taken away, which would have, again, further added to the horrors of what the Joker did to her.

Sadly, the storyline they gave her was weak.  The bad guy wasn’t interesting and the situation didn’t showcase her intelligence or detective skills.  Um, hello…. that’s what makes her Batgirl!  I wish I could have seen her in a more intriguing situation with a better villain and a more complex internal struggle other than relationship issues.

Speaking of which, I feel like I should address the sex between Batman and Batgirl because it’s caused so much controversy and uproar.  batgirl-batman-the killing jokeI think giving them a romantic relationship was a good idea and not uncharacteristic of either of them.  When I first heard that they were going to have a relationship in the film, I, again, related it to when Barbara gets shot.  The incident already affects her father, but to have it also affect someone who cares about her romantically further adds to the impact, especially if it’s Batman.  So I’m fine with the idea of Batman and Batgirl having sex and a relationship.  However, the way the relationship dictated her decisions and had such a huge impact on how she performed as Batgirl bothered the tiny feminist in me (and trust me, that tiny feminist is not that easily bothered).

In regards to the criticism that the prologue felt disconnected to the meat and potatoes of the story, I do not disagree.  I think by changing Batgirl’s story to one of triumph as I stated above and by connecting it with a common theme, it could have actually worked well.  I really did want something to make the two stories feel like they belong together.  Otherwise, they probably could have been separate movies—Unfortunately, any possibility of a Batgirl movie is probably lost because of all the backlash the prologue is getting.  Sigh.

But who knows… if she can overcome the antics of the sadistic Joker, who’s to say she won’t overcome the bad reviews and angry fans.  We shall see.


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5 Reasons the Disney Channel’s DCOM Marathon Was the Greatest Thing Ever

Disney_Channel_Original_MovieEarlier this spring, news got out that the Disney Channel had an awesome plan to celebrate the 100th Disney Channel Original Movie with a mega-marathon; over 50 Disney Channel Original Movies for four days straight during Memorial Day weekend.  Like most 90’s kids, I immediately scoured the internet to find out when my childhood favorites would be airing for what felt like the first time in forever.  OMG TIME TO SET THE DVR!

What were the must-watch movies on my list?  Motocrossed, Double Teamed, Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century, Johnny Tsunami, and Brink!  Unfortunately, some of my favorites did not make the cut (Seriously, Disney Channel?  No Luck of the Irish or Step Sister from Planet Weird? Lame.)  Nevertheless, I watched these five movies and the tween in me has never been happier.

So why was the DCOM Marathon so awesome?  Well, let me give you 5 reasons…


1.)  Holy Nostalgia, Batman!

I don’t know what sums up my childhood more than Disney Channel Original Movies.  I hadn’t seen any of these films in at least 10 to 15 years; yet as I watched them during the marathon, I found myself knowing exactly what was going to happen next, exactly what the characters were going to say, and even exactly what the characters were going to wear in the upcoming scenes.  I hadn’t even thought about these movies in years and all of a sudden I was an expert again.  Something about watching them brought me back to my thirteenth year (haha… see what I did there?) when I lived and breathed DCOMs.  And at an age when adulting is getting more and more difficult every day, what better feeling could there possibly be?


2.)  Since when does the Disney Channel play so much ska?!?!

I had no idea what ska was when I was 12.  So I guess I never noticed that so many of my favorite DCOMs feature ska music!  What a fantastic surprise for grown up Colleen 15 years later!


3.)  I feel so… INSPIRED!

motocrossedWatching teenagers fight for what they believe in and accomplish their wildest dreams even though the odds are against them is the greatest thing ever.  Cheesy writing?  Hell no, get outta here!  Even as a grown adult woman, the epic line in Motocrossed about “a woman coming out on top in a man’s sport” can still inspire me like no other.  Not to mention the words of wisdom Andy Brinker got from his dad about not confusing what you do with who you are—who would have thought that Brink! could have such meaning to me at this point in my life?


4.)  Oh my god, YES! These are the lessons we should be teaching our kids!

Do what you love.  Don’t sell yourself short.  Don’t settle for something you don’t believe in.  Don’t let others bring you down.  Change the way society sees you.  Break down barriers.  End segregation.  Always find the good things.

These are all important lessons I would love to teach my future kids.  So guess what, kids, we’re gonna watch some DCOMs!


5.)  Johnny Tsunami, bra. Duh!


If you haven’t seen this movie, watch it.  I can’t believe how good it is!  It’s so much more than just a fish out of water story.  It’s a story about learning who you are and being true to who you are.  It’s a father-son story.  It’s a story about ending the separation of social classes.  It’s a story about growing up.  It’s a story about friendship.  It’s a story about triumph.  It’s a story about a wise Hawaiian man I wish I could carry with me everywhere for when I need perfect advice and inspiring life lessons.  Basically, it could have been the only DCOM I watched all week and I still would have been happy.


So thank you, Disney Channel, for giving me a few hours of pure joy this week.  Do it more often please and show Luck of the Irish already!


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First Impressions of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (the first time around)

Batman vs Superman Dawn of JusticeI had mixed feelings about Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice for a long time before it came out.  I was not crazy about Man of Steel (but then again, I’m not a big Superman fan), and I was afraid that DC’s attempt to keep up with the Marvel live action movies was forced and would fall short.  I’d much rather DC make more animated films instead!

But now that I’ve seen the movie, it definitely gives me a better sense of where the DC live action universe is headed… and I like it!  I’ve listed my first impressions of BvS the first time around (because how can you really grasp a 2.5 hour movie in one sitting?).


I’m warning you now… SPOILER ALERT!

  • It’s still funny to me that every Batman movie needs to start with the iconic alley scene. As a screenwriter, I don’t disagree that it should be there because it is the first time we’re meeting Batman in this particular series; but I feel like his origin story has become common knowledge, right?  Again, not a criticism of the film but more of an observation.
  • The pacing of the first hour felt awkward. Some of it was rushed but some of it dragged on.  It felt jumbled when the focus would switch between about five different characters with a few dream sequences thrown in.  One of my fears going into the movie was that it would try to cram too much into it and I did feel the effects of that when the transitions weren’t smooth between scenes.
  • Did the movie really need that many dream sequences?
  • I did not like the Wallace Keefe character. He was unnecessary and unconvincing.  Yes, it is revealed that he’s really just a pawn in Lex’s master plan which helps me get over it, but I think Lex could have pulled it off without him in a way that felt more organic.
  • Speaking of Lex Luthor, I loved Jesse Eisenberg! But I already knew I would going into it.  I will say, though, that he didn’t reveal much of a motive for wanting to be evil.  He just kinda was.  But I think I’m okay with that!
  • I liked that ultimately the only reason Superman fought Batman was because he was forced into it. It definitely makes him less of a jerk than I expected he would be.  And it made me mad at Batman for not listening to him!
  • So the “Martha” moment… I was a little disappointed in Zack Snyder for reusing exact shots from the flashback. Not a big criticism by any means, but it annoyed me.


Okay, now to some high praises…

  • The Batman vs. Lex’s guys fight scene… OH. MY. GOD. It was probably the most badass Batman fight scene in any live action film.  It was amazing and I loved every second of it.  Holy crap.
  • The fangirl in me really came out though when Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman were fighting Doomsday. This was the only moment in all DC live action movies that felt like the animated films to me.  The animated Justice League films are so awesome and this scene really reflected them to the point where I finally got excited about this movie!
  • I think I died when Wonder Woman used her lasso. It looked pretty freakin’ sweet and actually made me excited for the Wonder Woman film, despite how I initially felt about the casting. I think Gal Gadot actually won me over.
  • I’m so happy that Superman dies in the film. Not because I don’t like Superman, but because I’m so pleasantly surprised that DC had the balls to kill him!  It’s difficult to make superhero movies with both comic book fans and the general public in mind.  Killing a major character is super risky when trying to appeal to people who don’t know about the Death of Superman.  So I’m glad they did it here.


Okay, so obviously I enjoyed the second half of the film way more than the first.  That being said, my conclusion is that I wish they would have skipped the Batman vs. Superman stuff and just started with the Justice League movie.  I couldn’t really get into all the drama of them being enemies.  It’s difficult to make a 2.5 hour movie because at some point, it starts to feel like two different movies.  I think I could have done without a lot of the “first” movie.  I wanted them to just get to the Justice League stuff already!  Of course, this is my personal preference and not a criticism of the film.  But at least it did change my skepticism of the DC live action universe to genuine fangirl excitement!  Shut up and take my money, DC, because I will watch everything.

3 Reasons Why Grease Live is Surprisingly Better than the Original

Grease MovieWhen I was nine years old, I saw Grease for the first time and became extremely obsessed.  Seriously, ask my parents.  I watched the movie at least once a day…every single day… for over three months straight.  During that time, I listened to the soundtrack several times a day—sometimes up to five or six times in a row.  I pretty much carried my Grease VHS tape with me everywhere and tried to convince my friends that we should watch it, yet again, at every sleepover I went to.  Didi Conn wrote a behind-the-scenes recount of the making of the movie called Frenchy’s “Grease” Scrapbook, which remains one of the few non-fiction books I’ve actually read all the way through.

That being said, you can imagine how dear to my heart I hold the source material for Grease Live, which aired on FOX this past Sunday.  The mere fact that I referred to the film as its “source material” should give you a glimpse of just how much I pointed out every little difference between the live performance and the movie.  It bothered me at first—mostly because it seemed like every scene, or at times even every line of dialogue, was simply being expanded to give either more exposition or to really drive the point home.  It drove me nuts because I already knew what was going on.  Duh!    But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that the majority of the changes actually made the story better!  Here’s my list of notable differences between Grease and Grease Live and why they make me realize that the movie I was once obsessed with is not perfect after all.

Grease Live on FOX

1.) Grease Live is updated to keep up with the times.

I don’t mean that the story takes place in modern day instead of in the 1950’s.  What I do mean is that since the 1970’s when the original film was made, society has addressed many issues or nuances that could now be considered offensive or taboo.  In other words, America has learned to be more “PC” about things.

For example, the movie version of Jan is essentially the “fat” friend whose goal is to lose weight.  Have you ever noticed how she progressively gets thinner and thinner throughout the movie and then is a twig by the end?  Well, in Grease Live, Jan is no longer the “fat” one but is the “weird” one instead.  In recent decades, movies about teenagers developed a common theme of not being afraid to be yourself.  It seems that this theme was added into Grease Live with Jan’s character.  In the diner scene where the T-Birds and Pink Ladies are all together, Putzie tells Jan in the original film, “I always thought you were a very understanding person.  And I also think that there’s more to you than just fat.”  In the updated version, the line is changed and Putzie instead says, “…And I also think there’s more to you than just being weird.”  Putzie’s intention is the same in both versions, but the “be yourself” theme is way more prevalent in the new one.

Another example of updated political correctness is when Coach Calhoun announces the rules for the dance contest.  In Grease Live, he says that rule number one is that “all contestants must be couples—no solos and no threesomes.”  Seems like a rather random rule, doesn’t it?  Well, that’s because in the film, rule number one is that “all couples must be boy-girl.”  This rule makes sense for the 1950’s but can you imagine the backlash that would have taken place if that line wasn’t changed and it was broadcasted on primetime television in 2016?  Yikes.

Eugene Grease LiveThe last example is how Eugene, the nerd character, is perceived.  In the original film, Eugene is nothing more than a stereotypical nerd who gets bullied and ridiculed by the cool kids for moments of comic relief.  Yeah, there’s no way that would fly in today’s world.  In Grease Live, Eugene is still a stereotypical nerd, but by the end of the movie, he’s a T-Bird!  Ummm… WHAT!  Turns out that without Eugene’s genius knowledge of physics (and other smart stuff) the T-Birds don’t stand a chance of winning against the Scorpions at Thunder Road.  Looks like the cool kids can learn from the nerds after all—another common theme in today’s teenager movies.  When Danny wins the race, he thanks Eugene for his help and gives him his T-Bird jacket.  It should also be noted that Grease Live’s version of Eugene also defies all odds and ends up with Patty Simcox, a popular cheerleader.  You go, nerd!  It sure makes Eugene’s character way more meaningful, doesn’t it?

Which brings me to the number two on my list…


2.) Grease Live expands its subplots to address more teen issues.

Think about the original movie.  It’s obviously a love story.  It’s definitely a teen comedy.  But what else is it?  Other than a few subtle hints at real life issues, there isn’t much substance that makes it meaningful.  If anything, the message of the movie is actually to completely change who you are just to make someone else happy.  Great message for the kids, huh?  Well, Grease Live manages to expand its subplots so that it does actually include positive messages for the teens watching.

During the drive-in scene, Sandy is still upset at Danny for dancing with Cha Cha at the dance.  Nothing changed there.  However, they start to bond again when they realize that they both have controlling and disapproving parents.  Bringing their parents into the story threw me for a loop at first.  The original film doesn’t touch on parent-teen relationships at all.  I realized, though, that adding in those few lines of dialogue about it not only makes the characters more relatable for teen audiences, but it also makes them more dimensional and more real.  Good move, Grease Live.

Rizzo Grease LiveOne issue that the original Grease does tackle is teen pregnancy.  What it doesn’t do, however, is conclude the storyline in any meaningful way.  It has a happy ending because it turns out it was a false alarm (Hooray for not being teenage parents!), but is that really a good message for teenagers?  The movie is basically saying that if you get pregnant, just hope that it’s a false alarm because then everything will be good again!  Oy.  Grease Live does the right thing and addresses the issue with a little bit more responsibility.  During the Thunder Road scene, Kenickie has second thoughts about racing because he realizes he has a kid on the way and wants to be a responsible parent.  During the carnival scene, he expresses his feelings for Rizzo and tells her that he wants to commit to her and the baby.  Yes, it was also a false alarm in this version, but the ending is even happier because we know that if she actually had a baby, Kenickie would have done the right thing and stepped up as a father.

Now, let’s go back to Thunder Road when Kenickie realizes he’s about do something dangerous and reconsiders racing.  He actually tells Danny that he’s worried about it because of the baby in a brief but powerful “coming of age” moment.  Danny, being a good friend that he is, then purposely drops the good luck penny on the ground and hits Kenickie’s head with the car door when he bends down to pick it up.  Basically, he knew his friend didn’t want to drive (and for good reason), so he created a scheme that made it seem like Kenickie couldn’t drive so that he didn’t have to look like a puss in front of the Scorpions.  Is that a bromance or what?  The original film touches on their bromance a little by Danny having Kenickie’s back when he gets hurt, but I’ve always felt like the only reason that happens is because Danny is the main character so the filmmakers wanted him to be the one to win the race.  I actually like the live show’s twist on it because it shows us a more compassionate side of Danny—the part of him that Sandy fell in love with on the beach!  Aww!


3.) Grease Live fills in the plot holes from the original film.

In the original film, Sandy says the line, “I hope I don’t get camera shy,” in regards to the dance contest being nationally televised.  It is a single line that is quickly forgotten when Danny comforts her and the two become the main attraction in front of the camera.  She seems to have gotten over that fear pretty quick, doesn’t she?  Grease Live took that single line and really expanded on it, making Sandy’s fear of being on camera a pretty big deal.  It was mentioned several times leading up the dance scene, seeming very “on the nose” and obvious.  While at the dance, Danny and Sandy have a brief moment on the dance floor, but then Sandy suddenly leaves, almost hiding from the camera.  That’s the moment when Cha Cha decides to take advantage and steal the dance with Danny, leaving Sandy upset.  It is revealed during the drive-in scene that Sandy was hiding from the camera because she lied to her parents about being at the dance and she didn’t want to get caught.  Okay, that’s a pretty good reason to leave the dance floor, right?  Plus, lying to her parents provides more of a transition from goodie goodie to the rebel she becomes at the end of the movie.  It all makes sense.

Now let’s take a moment and think about how Danny endd up dancing with Cha Cha in the film… Danny and Sandy are in the middle of dancing when for some reason—some totally random, unknown reason—Sonny pulls Sandy away so that Cha Cha can swoop in.  Huh?  Does that make any sense to anyone?  I remember watching the movie as a kid and wondering why on Earth Danny’s friend would do that, especially since it didn’t relate to anything else Sonny does in the movie.  So I thank you, Grease Live, for finally filling that plot hole for me!

Thinking, again, about my love for the original film, imagine my disdain for Grease Live when Sandy DOES NOT sing “Hopelessly Devoted to You” after the sleepover scene.  I recall yelling out loud at the TV.  How could they not include that song?  Are they trying to ruin the show?!? I was genuinely upset.

Hopelessly Devoted to You Grease Live

But then, Grease Live surprised me—so much that it was the very moment I started to warm up to the adaptation and actually think about the changes in all the positive ways I addressed in this blog.   After Danny abandons Sandy by dancing with Cha Cha, Sandy leaves the dance upset—and for good reason.  Danny was not a good boyfriend at that moment.  So what does she do?  She goes home and sings about how hopelessly devoted she is to Danny, even though he keeps hurting her!  That’s genius.  The song fits better here because up to this point, we’ve actually seen her go through the struggle of knowing he’s bad for her but still coming back over and over again.  When she sings it in the original film, she’s really only had two encounters with Danny before that.  How is she so devoted to him already?  She didn’t even know she would see him again until earlier that same day.  And he was a jerk!


I really have to hand it to Grease Live.  The production value was amazing, they pulled it off during El Niño, and Vanessa Hudgens singing “There are Worse Things I Could Do” was so powerful and beautiful that I wanted to cry.  So although I still love the film with all my heart, I’m pleasantly content with accepting that this version of the story was actually better.



7 Sequels that Outshine the Original

Sequels, adaptations, and remakes… It seems like Hollywood is getting lazy these days, doesn’t it?  I hear a lot of people complain about this trend and the lack of original content being made.  I do it too… I mean, I studied screenwriting in college so of course I’d prefer if original stories trumped the latter.

But I had a funny thought the other day.  I realized that there are so many sequels that I actually prefer over the original.  Why is that?  Well, I started thinking about it and decided to compile a list of sequels that I love and think about the reasons why I love them.  Keep in mind that these aren’t just sequels that I think are good; these are movies that I would 100% choose to watch over the original.  So many people might disagree with some of these, but here it is anyway:

Terminator 2: Judgement Day

First of all, there’s nothing better than watching Arnold play the good guy.  A risky move giving the character a complete 180, but luckily the T-1000 is a strong enough villain to keep audiences satisfied with the change.  Second of all, the badass Sarah Connor is way cooler than the meek, fragile Sarah Connor.  And of course, we finally get to meet John Connor, a character in which the entire first movie revolves around.  I’m thinking this one is a no brainer, guys.

Terminator 2 Judegement Day

Back to the Future Part II

I might get a little bit more back lash for putting this one on my list.  Yes, the original Back to the Future is a phenomenal movie.  But think about how confusing time travel stories can be and how easily they can accidentally contradict their own time travel rules.  If you carefully follow everything that’s happening in Part II… and it’s a lot… everything makes sense!  It doesn’t leave any unanswered questions.  It doesn’t force its audience to just accept that something happened even though it shouldn’t have.  The whole movie is genius, in my opinion.  Now, the thing about this one is that it’s definitely not one of those sequels you can watch without having seen the first one.  I mean, you can, but you won’t appreciate all the details of how it was perfectly intertwined with the original.  But luckily I’m already familiar with the first one so it’s all good =]


Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me

A great antagonist is one who is sympathetic and who audiences still root for even though he’s the bad guy.  In the Austin Powers trilogy, Dr. Evil ended up being a more entertaining character than Austin Powers.  So of course, he steals the show in the sequel.  More Dr. Evil screen time, more Dr. Evil character growth, more Dr. Evil laughs.  Not to mention, more Dr. Evil henchmen.  Who can forget Mini Me and Fat Bastard?  So good!


Batman Returns

If you ask most Batman fans, they would probably peg this movie as one of the worst Batman movies (after Batman and Robin, of course).  I, however, find this movie to be quite enjoyable.  First of all, what a great cast!  Danny DeVito, Michelle Pfeiffer, and some people forget that even Christopher Walken is in the movie, but oh, he is.  And what an interpretation of Penguin, am I right?  Yes, there was some create freedom taken here in terms of his backstory, but between the makeup, the performance, and the uncomfortable feeling I get whenever I look at him, I would say he’s a great character.

Batman Returns

Rush Hour 2

The funny thing about Rush Hour 2 is that it takes place very shortly after the first one.  But for some reason, the dynamic between the two characters is brought to a new level.  While watching the second one, it seems like the two characters have known each other for years and years.  I enjoyed watching them clash as new acquaintances in the first one, but I think watching them clash as friends is more enjoyable.  The second movie also introduces two pretty badass female characters, and has more interesting settings.  There’s just something about watching movies that take place in Vegas that makes me so happy I guess…


Next Friday

I will admit that even though I try really hard to not see a sequel without having seen the original first, I saw Next Friday before ever seeing Friday.  And while I enjoyed both, I think Next has just a little bit more to offer.  The Chris Tucker vs. Mike Epps issue is debatable, but adding a white skater boy and putting Craig in a rich, suburban town next to Hispanic neighbors his hilarious!

Next Friday

The Mummy Returns

The movie that launched Dwayne Johnson’s film career.  What more is there to say?


Well, there it is.  Of course I like more sequels than just these, but again, these are movies that I prefer over the original.  So what do you think?  Are my reasons valid or am I crazy?  Does the fact that I can make this list mean that sequels are not actually so bad?  What sequels are on your list?  I’d love to hear from other people.  Thanks for reading!

Photo Credits:

All photos were taken from

The Real Colleen Comes Out

When I’m doing something at work that requires a lot of thinking, sometimes I take a brain break and just type whatever is in my head.  Song lyrics, thoughts about life, a list of what I need to do later… Literally the first thing I can think of.  Today, I typed the most random thing ever.  Interpret it any way you want, but I swear it came out of nowhere and I have no idea what it means.  Enjoy.

The raisin went out the back door.

Then, it jumped into the car.  Yes, raisins can jump.

But wait!  What happened to the grape?

The grape is no longer young.  Hence, the raisin.


5 Haikus about Copper the Corgi

Corgi Prince

Short legs, pointy ears
Puffy chest so big and white
Such a little prince

      Copper the Corgi 1          copper prince 1

Dog Day Afternoon

Sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep
Sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep
Sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep

            sleeping corgi 7          sleeping corgi 3

       sleeping corgi 1          sleeping corgi 8


Destroyer of toys
Eating everything in sight
He is the LANDSHARK!

       corgi toys 1          corgi toys 3


Hey! I see a bone!
Bone! Bone! Bone! Give me the bone!
Success!  Time to chew…

              corgi bone 1          corgi bone 2

Holiday Weight

A chubby puppy
Trying to fit into clothes
But still super cute

        Corgi in sweater 2          Corgi in sweater 3

5 (Lasso of) Truths about Fashion We Can Learn from Wonder Woman

#1 – There is nothing wrong with repeating outfits.

wonder woman 1

Despite what a lot of girls (including myself) think, repeating outfits is totally okay!  Why?  Well for one thing, most people won’t even notice.  Seriously, you’re probably the only one who remembers that you wore that same dress to dinner two weeks ago.  Everyone else has no idea.  And for another thing, the reason we repeat outfits is because we like them.  When I find a new favorite outfit that I feel fantastic in, of course I’m going to wear it a lot.  And I’m going to enjoy it too, dammit!

#2 – Being scantily clad does not mean you are a slut.

You have to admit that Wonder Woman’s clothes are… well, more of a bathing suit than anything else.  Maybe that’s how she got her name—because it’s a wonder that her woman parts don’t fall out in the middle of a battle (ba-dum-tshh).  But seriously. When’s the last time you saw Wonder Woman participate in a Sunday morning Walk of Shame, huh?  That’s right, you haven’t.  (Although, I do suppose it would be rather convenient to have an invisible jet.  Interesting…)

#3 – You can be a physically strong woman and still look gorgeous.

wonder woman 2

I’m also going to give a shout out to MMA fighters, Ronda Rousey and Gina Carano, because they’re gorgeous too.  Tell me again, Warner Bros… Why isn’t one of them playing Wonder Woman in the upcoming movie?

#4 – Accessories really can make the outfit (and even the person).

wonder woman 3

The first appearance of Wonder Woman was in 1941, so it only makes sense that the design of her costume would go through some major changes over the years.  Depending on which series you look at, she can be seen wearing pants, wearing a skirt, wearing a jacket, wearing sleeves, wearing a high neck line… The list goes on.  But no matter which Wonder Woman costume you look at, the defining feature is always her accessories.  Breastplate + tiara + bracelets = Wonder Woman.  I mean, they’re her weapons.  They’re part of her superpowers.  They’re part of what make her Wonder Woman.  So why can’t we live like that?  Why can’t we use accessories as a way to stand out?  Why can’t we use accessories to make a statement about who we are?  Oh wait… we can!

#5 – You can look fabulous in boots all year round.

Enough said.  Wear your boots proudly, ladies.  You look great!

wonder woman 5

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